
We got a trip to Kullen and a boat safari for Porpoises (mereswine) arranged by Kullabergsguiderna as a gift from dear friends and family last year. Saturday night the fourth of July we went for the tour. It was so far by far the best summer night this year – warm, with the sun from a clear sky and absolutely no wind. That is a good start for a boat trip!

So now to the questions that we all had in the back of our heads – Are there any Porpoises to see at all? Will this just be a nice boat trip with the setting sun and wind in our hair? We left the harbor in Mölle at half past seven in a small fast ribboat. It did not talk more than five minutes before we saw the first Porpoise – real close it swam just 15 meters from the boat and we all got a good chance to see the animal as it was up for a breath of fresh air. We all got excited and then followed a great tour around the spectacular Kullen. We saw several different sea birds, seal and even met a whole family of Porpoises with a small calf. All in all a great activity that I strongly recommend – and if you ahead you can end the day with a superb dinner in one of the restaurants in the harbor of Mölle.