After 29 years in Lund I finally visited Nöbbleövs mosse. My friend Jan-Erik Jönsson has been talking about the place for quite some time and now he brought me here. It exceeded my expectations by far and I am fascinated that this place can exist (almost) within city limits of Lund. During the three hours we strolled around the area I saw common kestrel (tornfalk, Falco tinnunculus), red-necked grebe (gråhakedopping, Podiceps grisegena), common chiffchaff (gransångare, Phylloscopus collybita), mute swan (knölsvan, Cygnus olor), mallard (gräsand, Anas platyrhynchos), greylag goose (grågås, Anser anser), Eurasian coot (Sothöna, Fulica atra), common house martin (hussvala, Delichon urbicum), barn swallow (ladusvala, Hirundo rustica), western yellow wagtail (gulärla, Motacilla flava), northern lapwing (tofsvipa, Vanellus vanellus) with chickens, wood sandpiper (grönbena, Tringa glareola), and common redshank (Rödbena, Tringa totanus). Not bad for an area accessible for anyone with a bike in Lund. Below are some pictures from this pre summer evening.